Certificate of aeronautical personnel

An individual document issued by the Civil Aviation Authority, which grants the holder the right to carry out specified aeronautical activities and includes the qualifications associated with this document.

The aeronautical personnel shall consist of natural persons in satisfactory health, with special training confirmed by appropriate certification, and shall include air crew and non-aircrew personnel.

The aeronautical personnel shall hold valid certificates issued by the Civil Aviation Authority and, where appropriate, valid medical certificates issued by aviation medical examiners or aviation medical centres.


  • 1
    Submitting the application

    The corresponding applications can be submitted at the CAA counter (Chisinau mun., 80/2 Dacia Avenue) or by e-mail (info@caa.gov.md) in compliance with the legal requirements regarding the electronic document.

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    Processing and examination

    Air crew personnel in civil aviation (pilots, cabin crew members) shall comply with certain specific requirements laid down in the Regulation laying down the technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation flight crew, approved by Government Decision No 204/2020 or in the Regulation laying down detailed rules for the operation of balloons as well as for the flight licensing for balloons, Annex No 1 to Government Decision No 85/2023. Flight engineers shall meet certain specific requirements set out in the Civil Aviation Regulations RAC - APL.

    Non-aircrew personnel in civil aviation (air traffic controllers) shall comply with certain specific requirements laid down in the Regulation laying down the requirements and administrative procedures for air traffic controller certificates, approved by Government Decision No. 134/2019. Qualified technical personnel who work directly on the maintenance of aeronautical technique shall comply with certain specific requirements set out in Annex No. 3 (Part 66) to the Regulation on the maintenance of airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances and the authorization of enterprises and personnel with duties in this field, approved by Government Decision No. 641/2019.

    The Civil Aviation Authority shall examine all records, data and any other documents relevant to the execution of the certification task.

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    Issuance/refusal for issuance

    These certificates are issued at the single counter (Chisinau mun., 80/2 Dacia Avenue, Aviation Personnel Licensing Section or Airworthiness Directorate). They may also be sent to applicants at the e-mail address known to the CAA.

    Refusal to grant the certificates in question shall be notified in writing to the applicant at the electronic address, in compliance with the legal requirements relating to the electronic document.


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