Certificate for ATM/ANS services providers 

A permissive act, issued under the conditions of the law by the Civil Aviation Authority, attesting the right and ability of the person to provide efficient and seamless air traffic management and air navigation services ("ATM/ANS") for general air traffic.


  • 1
    Submitting the application

    The application can be submitted by the applicant in the following ways:

    1) online - by pressing the "Apply" button in the Automated Information System for the Management and Issuance of Permissive Documents (SIA GEAP);

    2) at the single counter of the CAA, located in Chisinau mun., 80/2 Dacia Avenue.



  • 2
    Processing and examination

    Upon receipt of an application for the issuance of a certificate to a service provider, following the process set out in ATM/ANS.AR. C.005(a) of Annex No. 2 to the Regulation on establishing the requirements and administrative procedures for air traffic management and air navigation service providers, approved by Government Decision No. 119/2023, the service provider's compliance with the applicable requirements of the Aviation Code and the Regulation concerned shall be verified.

    The CAA may require any audits, inspections or assessments it deems necessary before issuing the certificate.

  • 3
    Issuance/refusal of issuance

    The certificate is issued for an unlimited duration, through the Automated Information System for the Management and Issuance of Permissive Documents (SIA GEAP) or at the single counter (Chisinau municipality, 80/2 Dacia Avenue, Air Navigation Directorate). The privileges associated with the activities that the service provider is approved to carry out shall be specified in the conditions of service provision attached to the certificate.

    Refusal to grant the certificate shall be communicated in writing to the applicant at the electronic address, in compliance with the legal requirements concerning the electronic document.


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