Sanitary-veterinary authorization for means of transport

The sanitary and veterinary authorization for means of transport is issued to economic agents who are registered as an entrepreneur in the Republic of Moldova. The veterinary sanitary authorization for the means of transport is an official document issued by the competent authority in the field of veterinary health, by the National Food Safety Agency, which confirms that the means of transport used for the transport of live animals and products subject to sanitary-veterinary control comply with the requirements imposed in this regard. By obtaining this authorization, the means of transport are considered compliant by respecting with sanitary and veterinary rules and regulations.

 The sanitary-veterinary authorization for means of transport is carried out according to the rates and terms specified in Law no. 160/2011 regarding the regulation through the authorization of entrepreneurial activity.

The applicant submits the application in the following ways: 

- Online , if you have an electronic signature, access the public services portal, ;

- Physically , at one of the territorial subdivisions of the National Food Safety Agency at the one-stop shop, where, with the help of the receptionist, submit the application.


  • 1
    Step 1. Submission of the application

    The deposit method will be described by selecting the option:

    -         Online ;

    -         Physically, he approaches one of the territorial subdivisions of the National Food Safety Agency at the one-stop shop, where the application is submitted with the help of the receptionist.


  • 2
    Step 2. Processing and Review

    The issuing authority (specialist) examines the application and the accompanying documents, verifies compliance with the conditions. In case of finding the lack of the necessary documents/information expressly provided by the legislation, the issuing authority (specialist) will suspend the term for examination of the application and will immediately inform the applicant about this fact with the specification and description of the basis for the suspension, the term and remedial actions to initiate the examination of the application.

  • 3
    Step 3. Paying for the service

    Online, paying through the government electronic payment service MPay.

  • 4
    Step 4. Release/refusal of release

    - Online , the applicant receives an electronic notification, to the mail indicated during the submission of the application ;

    - Physically , the applicant can receive the document at the single counter of the territorial subdivision of the Agency where the application was previously submitted.

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