Certification of the social service provider

The accreditation of social service providers is done in order to determine, based on the quality standards of these services, the capacity of social service providers, regardless of the type of property, legal form of organization and administrative subordination, to provide social services to the population qualitative and in order to increase responsibility for compliance with quality standards. Social service providers are subject to accreditation once every 5 years, in accordance with Law no. 129/2012 regarding the accreditation of social service providers.

Social service providers are accredited if they cumulatively meet the following conditions:

a) were constituted under the conditions of the law; b) their act of establishment includes activities in the field of social services;

c) confirms the possibility of obtaining additional financial resources to ensure the financial stability and sustainability of the process of providing social services;

d) have staff with professional training appropriate to the type of social services for which accreditation is requested;

e) apply the quality standards of the social services for which they apply for accreditation.

Initial accreditation of the social service provider. Only newly established social service providers are subject to initial accreditation. Newly established social service providers are subject to mandatory initial accreditation before admitting beneficiaries to these services and before starting to provide the social services in question. The initial accreditation is valid for 12 months from the date of issuing the decision of the Inspectorate.

Provisional accreditation of the social service provider. The social service provider is provisionally accredited if, during the evaluation, the need to adjust its activity to quality standards is found. The social service provider is informed in writing about the decision of the Inspectorate regarding the provisional accreditation, about the detected non-conformities, as well as about the period in which they are to be removed. The provisional accreditation has a validity period of 12 months from the date of issuing the decision of the Inspectorate.

The accreditation certificate of the social service provider is issued, at the decision of the State Social Inspectorate, in accordance with the regulations of Government Decision no. 95/2014 for the approval of the Regulation regarding the accreditation procedure of social service providers (Published: 02-14-2014 in the Official Gazette No. 35-41 art. 112).


  • 1
    Step 1. Initiation of the accreditation procedure

    Based on the written notification, the social service provider submits the request for accreditation to the Inspectorate, within 10 working days from the date of notification. The request is submitted at the SSI counter at the address: MD-2028, Chisinau municipality, Hîncești str. 53, block B, et. 6 or sent to the electronic address: office@iss.gov.md


  • 2
    Step 2. Self-assessment

    Depending on the type of service to be evaluated, the social service provider receives a package of documents necessary for self-evaluation. The package of documents required for self-assessment can be accessed on the website of the Inspectorate. The self-evaluation period lasts 30 days for the service provider providing social services at the time of initiation of the accreditation procedure and 10 days in the case of newly established social service providers. A copy of the self-evaluation file is made available to the group of experts selected to evaluate social service providers.

  • 3
    Pasul 3. Evaluarea serviciului în teren

    The evaluation of the quality of social services is carried out by the groups of experts, formed for each type of social services.

    The social service quality assessment procedure consists of the following stages:

    1) analysis of the documents presented by the social service provider, which is carried out in the office;

    2) evaluation of the social service in the field;

    3) presenting the findings of the service evaluation;

    4) preparation of the service evaluation report.

    The presentation of the findings of the social service quality assessment is carried out in a joint meeting, at the State Social Inspectorate.

    The evaluation of the quality of the social service in the field is carried out by the groups of experts, established for each type of social service, by applying the evaluation criteria and lasts depending on the complexity of the service, but no more than 5 working days.

  • 4
    Step 4. Elaboration of the report

    Each of the experts prepares, within 15 working days, the evaluation report of the service, which he presents to the coordinator of the expert group, and the coordinator of the expert group, within 5 working days, prepares the final evaluation report of the social service.

  • 5
    Step 5. Making the decision

    Based on the final report and the recommendations of the group of experts, as well as the self-evaluation report presented by the social service provider, within 10 working days, the Inspectorate makes the decision regarding the accreditation or non-accreditation of the social service provider. The inspectorate informs the social service providers about the accreditation or non-accreditation decision, in written form, with the express indication of the grounds that were the basis for the adoption of the given decision, within 3 working days from the date of its adoption. At the same time, within 5 working days from the date of adoption of the accreditation decision, it issues an accreditation certificate valid for 5 years to the accredited social service provider. Accreditation or non-accreditation decisions issued by the Inspectorate are made public by placing them on the Inspectorate's web page and by publishing them in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova.

  • 6
    Step 6. Issuance of the Certificate

    The certificate is issued at the ISS counter within 5 working days from the date of adoption of the accreditation decision.

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