Accreditation of conformity assessment bodies Accreditation is an excellent means to provide confidence, that allows authorities, the economy of the country and the society in general to rely on t...
Attestation of testing laboratories Attestation - confirmation of the competence of the first-party testing laboratory, according to the requirements established at the national level, a...
Aviz privind importul ajutoarelor umanitare Avizul se elaborează de către Serviciul ajutoare umanitare din cadrul MMPS care are următoarele sarcini principale: · &n...
Certification of the social service provider The accreditation of social service providers is done in order to determine, based on the quality standards of these services, the capacity of social ...
Archive Certificate/Extract from the documents of the National Agency of Archives Fund (excluding: b... The archive certificate is a legally binding document that contains information about the existence of data related to situations and rights indicated...
Registration certificate of phyto-sanitary product or a fertilizer (except for those marked as EC Fe... Issuance of the registration certificate of phyto-sanitary product or a fertilizer (except for those marked as EC Fertilizers) and its registration in...
Certificate for non-commercial movement of pets ( dogs, cats, or ferrets) Certificate for non-commercial movement of pets - official document, issued by the National Food Safety Agency, which allows the movement of pets to R...
Thematic social-legal certificate Please make an appointment online to obtain the thematic social-legal certificate using the following link:
Social insurance contract The following categories of persons may be insured in the public social insurance system on a contractual basis: a) Non-employ...
Contracts on Register of Chattel Mortgages Connecting to the Register of Chattel Mortgages, granting active/passive access
Duplicat al actului notarial din fondul de arhivă notarială de stat Duplicat al actului notarial din fondul de arhivă notarială de stat La cererea scrisă motivată a uneia dintre părţile actului notarial, a succesorilo...
Conducting arbitration and control analyses of precious metals in any form and condition, and of art... Conducting arbitration and control analyses of precious metals in any form and condition, and of articles made from them, as well as of their residues...
Release of information/excerpt from the Register of Movable Pledges Releasing information from the Register of Movable Pledges through a signed inquiry submitted via email or at the agency's office.
Eliberarea certificatelor și adeverințelor de export Certificatul de export pentru bunurile culturale mobile se emite la cerere, în baza unui raport de expertiză, întocmit de către expertul acreditat de ...
Eliberarea informaţiei sau documentelor cerute de birourile notariale în favoarea clientului Eliberarea informaţiei sau documentelor cerute de birourile notariale în favoarea clientului
Eliberarea notificărilor de import, inclusiv pentru automobile de colecție Notificările de import se emit la cererea scrisă a persoanelor fizice și juridice, care au dreptul de a introduce pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova bun...
The assaying of hallmark impressions on articles of precious metals and gemstones The assaying of hallmark impressions on articles of precious metals and gemstones
Expertizarea bunurilor culturale mobile Expertizarea bunurilor culturale se face la cerere, în următoarele situații: • Când bunul urmează a fi obiectul exportului temporar sau definitiv, făc...
The assaying of precious metals and diagnosis of gemstones, their evaluation The assaying of precious metals and diagnosis of gemstones, their evaluation
The manufacturing of testing reagents, at the request of economic agents who use precious metals in ... The manufacturing of testing reagents, at the request of economic agents who use precious metals in their activities ...
Form on applicable legislation based on the provisions of international agreements Issuing the form to persons on the applicable legislation based on the provisions of international agreements. Insured persons who are posted to an un...
Form on the contribution period completed on the territory of the Republic of Moldova The form on the confirmation of the period of contribution completed on the territory of the Republic of Moldova is issued at the request of the compe...
Information on payment/non-payment of state social insurance contributions To apply for the service at the TOSI in your area, you can make an appointment at the following link:
Information on the state of the personal social insurance account The service provided involves providing the insured person with information (statement of account) on the data in the personal social insurance accoun...
Information regarding the benefit/non-benefit of social benefits of social benefits in the public st... Obtaining information by natural persons and competent institutions regarding the benefit/non-benefit of social benefits in the public state social in...
Registration of economic agents engaged in activities with precious metals and gemstones, as well as... Registration of economic agents engaged in activities with precious metals and gemstones, as well as pawn shops. ...
Registration of personal nominal marks applied to articles made from precious metals and precious st... Registration of personal nominal marks applied to articles made from precious metals and precious stones...
Întocmirea actului privind protestele de mare Întocmirea actului privind protestul de mare este un document scris prin care comandantul navei înștiințează funcționarul consular asupra evenimentelo...
Legalizing the authenticity of the notary's signature and their seal on documents for individuals an... Consular legalization applies to documents intended for presentation in a country that is not a party to the Hague Convention of 1961, and involves af...
Legitimație de expert judiciar, interpret şi/sau traducător Obținerea legitimației de expert judiciar, interpret şi/sau traducător
Providing services with high precision differential corrections from the MOLDPOS National Positionin... The National Positioning System (hereinafter - MOLDPOS) represents a navigation system, based on the use of satellites, compatible with the geographic...
Presentation of individual and generalized financial statement information Presentation of individual and generalized financial statement information
Primirea documentelor la păstrare Persoana care desfășoară activitate notarială primește la păstrare documente, conform unui inventar întocmit în două exemplare, eliberând persoanei ca...
Testing and hallmarking of all articles made of precious metals manufactured in the territory of the... Testing and hallmarking of all articles made of precious metals manufactured in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and/or imported into the coun...
Supralegalizarea consulară a unui document eliberat de autoritățile unui stat străin sau cu particip... Supralegalizarea reprezintă procedura care se aplică actelor cu elemente de extraneitate, folosite în relații cu statele cu care Republica Moldova nu ...
Traducerea și legalizarea traducerii documentelor și a extraselor din ele Transpunerea certificată a unui text scris dintr-o limbă în alta pe care o posedă notarul. Înscrisurile traduse de traducători autorizați, se legalize...