Release of information from the State Underground Information Fund

Release of information on the geological structure of the territories and districts of the Republic of Moldova, forecasted raw material resources, quality and quantity of reserves, technical-economic conditions and exploitation of deposits, as well as data on subsoil sectors used for purposes other than those related to the extraction of useful mineral substances.


  • 1
    1. Submitting the request

    The request is submitted:

    1) by e-mail:;

    2) post office: MD-2004, str. Mitropolit Dosoftei no. 156, Chisinau;

    3) at the headquarters of the Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources.

  • 2
    2. Payment of the service

    The service can be paid by bank transfer to the following account:

    Beneficiar:Ministerul Finanțelor-Trezoreria de stat

    IBAN: MD24TRGAAA14511101200000


    Cod fiscal 1006601000037

  • 3
    3. Release information

     The requested information can be received at the headquarters of the Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources, office no. 1, 156, Mitropolit Dosoftei St., Chisinau. Upon request, the information may be delivered by post or to the applicant's e-mail address.

Agency of Geology and Mineral Resources
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