Authorization to perform activities of installation, operation, management, maintenance and/or liquidation of electronic communications networks at the state border

The authorization procedure as well as the conditions for performing activities of installation, operation, management, maintenance and/or liquidation of electronic communications networks in the state border area of the Republic of Moldova are established by the Electronic Communications Law no. 241/2007, the Law on the Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity by means of Authorization, No. 160/2011, Regulation on Performing Activities of Installation, Operation, Management, Maintenance and/or Liquidation of Electronic Communications Networks at State Border of the Republic of Moldova, approved by Government Decision no. 974/2008, Regulation on General Authorization Regime in the Field of Electronic Communications, approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision, no. 54/2017, ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 52 of 27.11.2020 "On Approving Standard Forms of Documents related to the procedure of authorizing the installation, operation, management, maintenance and/or liquidation of electronic communications networks at the state border" and other regulations.

The document certifying the right to perform activities in the border area of the Republic of Moldova is the Authorization for installation, operation, management, maintenance and/or liquidation of electronic communications networks at the state border of the Republic of Moldova.


  • 1
    Step 1: Submission of the Application

    The application and the accompanying documents may be submitted in one of the following ways: - by an entry in electronic form, to which an electronic signature based on a public key certificate is applied, not suspended or not revoked at that moment, through the Single Window. As an alternative the operator may send the electronic document to ANRCETI electronic address (; - by submitting it to ANRCETI office, personally or by a legal representative of the applicant; - by registered mail service, with confirmation of receipt.



  • 2
    Step 2: Examination (verification of compliance) of the file of documents submitted

    The issuing authority (ANRCETI) verifies the compliance with the conditions for submission of the application and related documents. Where the application and related documents meet all the requirements, the application will be processed for the next step. In case of non-compliance, ANRCETI suspends the deadline for issuing the requested permissive act, and requests that the applicant fulfills the established requirements, within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of notification. Absence of the necessary documents or failure to comply with the requirements related to the transmission, form and content of the application, may serve as grounds for rejection/refusal of authorization.

  • 3
    Step 3: Requesting and obtaining the opinion from relevant coordinating bodies on the compliance with the conditions as provided by the legislation, for the requested activity.

    On the day the application and the related documents required for obtaining the authorization are registered, ANRCETI notifies the Intelligence and Security Service, the General Border Police Inspectorate of, the Environmental Protection and the local public administration authorities in the respective area, to ensure that there is compliance with the legislation for the type of activity required.

  • 4
    Step 4: Issuance of the Authorization

    Within 15 days from the submission of the Application, ANRCETI issues the authorization for performing activities of installation, operation, management, maintenance and/or liquidation of electronic communications networks at the state border.

The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology
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