
Information and communication technologies

Un set de servicii sau evenimente de viață legate de activitatea individuală (persoane fizice) și a entităților private dar și de stat în domeniul tehnologiilor informaționale și comunicației

General authorization for the provision of public electronic communications networks and services
General authorization is a legal regime ensuring the right of natural and legal persons registered in the Republic of Moldova, on the basis of Notific...
Authorization of radio communication stations of sea and river vessels
The respective service includes the realization of the technical procedures, related to the technical management of the radio frequency spectrum ...
Authorization to perform activities of installation, operation, management, maintenance and/or liqui...
The authorization procedure as well as the conditions for performing activities of installation, operation, management, maintenance and/or liquidation...
License for the use of radio channels or frequencies for the provision of electronic communications ...
Radio channels and frequencies are limited resources under the public state property. The regulation of the use of radio frequency spectrum is the exc...
License for the use of numbering resources for the provision of electronic communications networks a...
ANRCETI is the authority empowered by the Law on Electronic Communications no. 241/2007 to perform the regulation, management and allocation of number...
Technical permit for the use of radiocommunication stations
The Technical Permit represents the document certifying the right to use, in compliance with certain technical parameters, one or more radiocommunicat...