License for the use of radio channels or frequencies for the provision of electronic communications networks and / or services

Radio channels and frequencies are limited resources under the public state property. The regulation of the use of radio frequency spectrum is the exclusive right of the state and is achieved under the law, by taking economic, organizational and technical measures designed to ensure its efficient use for the needs of individuals and legal entities, public administration, defense, national security, ensuring public order and accelerating the implementation of new radio communications technologies.

The Agency issues to providers, authorized under the conditions of the Law on Electronic Communications no. 241/2007, licenses for the use of radio channels or frequencies the provision of public electronic communications networks and publicly available electronic communications services, in compliance with certain technical parameters provided by the License conditions.

The licensing procedure and the conditions of use of radio channels and frequencies for the purpose of providing electronic communications networks and / or services are regulated by Law no. 241/2007, Law on Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity by means of Authorization no. 160/2011, ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 54/2017 “On general authorization and licensing regime in electronic communications”, General license conditions for the use of radio channels or frequencies for the provision of public electronic communications networks and publicly available electronic communications services, approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 52/2008, the National Table of Frequency Allocation, approved by the Decision of the State Commission for Radio Frequencies of the Republic of Moldova no. 11/2000, as well as other relevant normative acts.

The validity of licenses for the use of radio channels or frequencies lasts 5 years from the date of issue (including the term for which the license was suspended), except:

a) licenses for the use of radio channels or frequencies issued where the number of licenses is limited, whose validity is 15 years;

b) licenses for the use of radio channels or frequencies for radio and television networks and / or stations in the frequency bands not covered by the international treaties to which the Republic of Moldova is a party, regarding the implementation of the digital terrestrial television, which are issued for the same validity term as the validity of the broadcasting licenses or the retransmission authorization;

c) licenses for the use of radio frequencies issued for networks intended for experiments and testing of public electronic communications networks or for occasional transmissions of publicly available electronic communications services, for which the validity period is maximum 6 months;

d) licenses requested for a term less than 5 years;

e) licenses for the use of radio channels or frequencies issued where the number of licenses is limited, for which the term of validity, established by the Government, is shorter than 5 years.

The issuance of licenses, copies and their duplicates, their updating and modification are performed free of charge. Fees are levied for the issuance of licenses for the use of limited radio channels or frequencies. Such licenses are issued by spectrum auctions. The fees are established by the Government and transferred to the state budget.


  • 1
    Step 1: Submission of the Application

    Cererea şi documentele însoțitoare pot fi depuse prin una din următoarele modalități:

    - online, accesând butonul Solicită (;

    - prin remiterea documentului electronic, la adresa electronică a ANRCETI (;

    - prin depunere, la sediul ANRCETI, pe adresa: mun. Chișinău, bd. Ştefan cel Mare, 134, MD-2012 personal sau de către un reprezentant legal al solicitantului;

    - prin serviciul de trimitere poştală recomandată, cu confirmare de primire.



  • 2
    Step 2: Examination of the application and the set of documents

  • 3
    Step 3: Approval of the ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision

    Agenţia în termen de 30 zile de la data înregistrării cererii (declarației) adoptă decizia privind eliberarea licenței de utilizare a canalelor sau frecvenţelor radio. Licenţa se perfectează în prima zi lucrătoare după adoptarea deciziei consiliului de administrație al ANRCETI privind eliberarea licenței. Dacă solicitantul, în termen de 30 de zile de la data la care i s-a expediat înştiinţarea despre adoptarea deciziei privind eliberarea licenţei, nu s-a prezentat la Agenţie pentru a i se elibera licenţa perfectată, ANRCETI este în drept să anuleze decizia privind eliberarea licenţei sau să adopte decizia privind recunoaşterea licenţei ca fiind nevalabilă. Aceste prevederi nu se aplică în cazul licențelor eliberate prin concurs.

  • 4
    Step 4: Issuance of the License

    ANRCETI elibereaza Licența prin generarea din SIA GEAP sau prin recepționarea acesteia la ghișeul Agenției.

The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology
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