License for the use of numbering resources for the provision of electronic communications networks and / or services
ANRCETI is the authority empowered by the Law on Electronic Communications no. 241/2007 to perform the regulation, management and allocation of numbering resources. These are limited resources in the public property of the state and are assigned by ANRCETI to authorized providers, by issuing licenses for the use of numbering resources for the provision of electronic communications networks and services.
Numbering resources are allocated in accordance with the National Numbering Plan (NNP), which provides for the structure, format and destination of numbering resources used in the Republic of Moldova for the provision of electronic communications services via public electronic communications networks.
The licensing procedure, the general conditions for allocation and use of numbering resources are regulated by the Law on Electronic Communications no. 241/2007, the Law on Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity by means of Authorization no. 160/2011, ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 54/2017 “On general authorization and licensing regime in electronic communications”, the Procedure of administration and management of numbering resources, approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 58/2010, the National Numbering Plan, approved by the Order of the Minister of Information Technologies and Communications no. 15/2010, the Procedure of transfer or lease of the right to use the limited resources, approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 08/2010, General license conditions for the use of numbering resources for the provision of public electronic communications networks and services, approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 38/2008, The special License Conditions for the use of numbers with free access for the caller (Freephone) in the public electronic communications networks, approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 80/2009; and the special License Conditions for the use of numbers for services with special Premium Rate in the electronic communications networks, approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 81/2009, as well as other relevant normative acts.
The issuance of licenses, copies and their duplicates, their updating, transfer and modification are free of charge. The validity of these licenses is 10 years.
- 1Step 1: Submission of the Application
In order to obtain a license (initial allocation of numbering resources) the Applicant fills in the standard Application (Declaration) form, according to Annex no. 3 to ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 54/2017, to which the following documents are attached: 1) copy of the ID card of the applying provider’s administrator; 2) where applicable, the Power of Attorney for the person legally authorized to represent the applying provider in relations with ANRCETI, if the application and / or documents submitted are signed and / or submitted on behalf of the providers by a person other than the administrator (manager) of the applicant and copy of the ID card of this person; 3) the excerpt from the State Register of Legal Entities; 4) where applicable, for provision of services by virtual mobile network providers - proof of the start of relevant negotiations with a public mobile electronic communications network provider regarding provision of access to his network.
publicService.channels.2.title - 2Step 2: Examination of the Application and the set of documents
The issuing authority (ANRCETI) verifies the compliance with the conditions for submitting the application and the relevant documents. If the application and the set of relevant documents meet all the prescribed requirements, the application will be processed for the next step. In case of non-compliance, the issuing authority suspends the deadline for issuing the License, and requests that the Applicant fulfill the requirements, within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of notification. Absence of the necessary documents or the non-compliance with the requirements related to the submission, form and content of the application, can serve as reason for rejection / refusal of license issuance.
- 3Step 3: Approval of ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision
- 4Step 4: Issuance of the License for the use of numbering resources
ANRCETI elibereaza Licența prin generarea din SIA GEAP sau prin recepționarea acesteia la ghișeul Agenției.