Archive Certificate/Extract from the documents of the National Agency of Archives Fund (excluding: birth, marriage, and death certificates, 1820-1922)

The archive certificate is a legally binding document that contains information about the existence of data related to situations and rights indicated in the applicants' requests within the archive documents.

 The extract from archive documents is an exact reproduction of a part of the document text that directly pertains to the issue, event, or person specified in the request.

The main documents that can be obtained are:

 -        Property extracts (until 1944);

-        Sale-purchase extracts, donations, wills authenticated at notary institutions;

-        Extracts from tables with landowners established under the Agrarian Reform of 1921;

-        Extracts of citizen evacuations from Bessarabia (1940, 1941, 1944);

-        Certificates regarding the population censuses of Bessarabia from the archival fund "Cadasters of the Inhabitants of the Bessarabia Governorate, for the years 1824-1886";

-        Certificates regarding the political repressions of the population of Bessarabia (deportation, exile, forced labor under conditions of restricted freedom, expulsion from the country and deprivation of citizenship, expropriation, forced hospitalization in psychiatric institutions, etc.);

-        Certificates regarding due salary rights necessary for pension calculation (work seniority, employment/termination orders, salary certificates, institutional reorganization, etc.).

-        Certificates can only be requested based on online appointments -


  • 1
    Step 1. Submission of application

    The request can be submitted through the following methods:

  • 2
    Step 2. Payment of the fee for the requested service.

    The service can be paid through the government electronic payment service MPay.


  • 3
    Step 3. Processing and Examination

    At this stage, the executor reviews the request and prepares the response.

  • 4
    Step 4. Issuance of the archive/extract certificate from the documents of the Archive Fund of the Republic of Moldova.

    The certificate can be received at the ANA counter or sent by mail.

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