Form on applicable legislation based on the provisions of international agreements

Issuing the form to persons on the applicable legislation based on the provisions of international agreements.

Insured persons who are posted to an undertaking operating in the territory of another State to work for a certain period.

The list of Bilateral Agreements to which the Republic of Moldova is a party can be viewed at:


  • 1
    Step 1. Submission of the application and necessary documents

    The application is submitted:

    1. On the territory of the Republic of Moldova: 

    - at any TOSI; 

    - at the central office of NOSI. 

    2. Outside the Republic of Moldova - at the competent institution of the Contracting State party to the Agreement in the field of social security. 

  • 2
    Step 2. Issue the form negotiated between the parties and send it to the competent institution/authority on the territory of the other contracting state

    The completed form shall be sent to the competent institution of the Contracting State party to the Agreement in the social security field. 

National Office of Social Insurance of the Republic of Moldova
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