Registration certificate of phyto-sanitary product or a fertilizer (except for those marked as EC Fertilizers)

Issuance of the registration certificate of phyto-sanitary product or a fertilizer (except for those marked as EC Fertilizers) and its registration in the State Register, after which it is allowed to be placed on the market and used according to its intended purpose.


  • 1
    Step 1. State efficacy trials

    • Submission of the state trials request, by the applicant, according to the form;
    • Inclusion of the product in the state efficacy trials program and conducting the trials in field conditions by qualified research institutions (1-3 plant life cycles). The deadline for including the product in the state trials program is March 31.
    • Conclusion of the contract with applicants and qualified research institutions regarding the state trials;
    • Presentation of samples by the applicant or producer on their own, in optimal terms for the foundation of the trials.


  • 2
    Step 2. Dossier evaluation

    Ordinary procedure

    • Submission of the application for registration/extension of the scope of use/re-registration according to the proposed form, accompanied by the toxicological dossier.
    • Evaluation of the toxicological dossier and sanitary and environmental opinion by the experts of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of the Environment, the State Center for the purpose of registration/extension of the scope of use/re-registration.

    Recognition procedure

    • Submission of the application for registration/extension of the scope of use/re-registration of the plant protection product/fertilizer through the recognition procedure and the set of administrative and scientific documents.
    • Carrying out the documentary evaluation of the dossier by the group of experts from the specialized public authorities in the fields of agriculture, public health and environment, with the preparation of the Report and the conclusions regarding the registration/extension of the scope of use/re-registration of the respective product.


  • 3
    Step 3. Decision of the Republican inter-Departmental Council

    Taking the decision, by the Council, of approval or refusal regarding registration, re-registration, extension of the scope of use of the plant protection product or the fertilizer based on the above-mentioned opinions and the information regarding the state efficacy trials, or of the Report and conclusions regarding the registration/extension of the scope of use/re-registration of the product (as the case may be).

  • 4
    Step 4. Issuance of the registration certificate

    Issuance of the registration certificate of phyto-sanitary product or a fertilizer (except for those marked as EC Fertilizers) and its registration in the State Register

State Service State Centre for Certification and Approbation of Phyto-sanitary Means and Fertilizers
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