
Înregistrarea proprietății

Certificate on the Real Estate Register entries
The certificate on the entries in the Real Estate Register is information about the up-to-date entries contained in the Real Estate Register, which in...
Conferring/changing the address of a property
Conferring/changing the address for a newly constructed or newly formed building or isolated room in the procedure for the formation of immovable prop...
Duplicat al actului notarial din fondul de arhivă notarială de stat
Duplicat al actului notarial din fondul de arhivă notarială de stat La cererea scrisă motivată a uneia dintre părţile actului notarial, a succesorilo...
Registration of the ownership right over the newly formed immovable property
Registration of the right of ownership over an immovable property that appeared because of the formation procedure through the method of combining sev...
Selective first registration of ownership right
The first entry made in the Real Estate Register regarding a property and the right of ownership over it. The service is requested by the holder of ow...
Title of authentication of the landowner's right
The title of authentication of the landowner’s right is the document that confirms the rights of the landowners issued by the local public administrat...